Des relations qui durent

Chez George Courey Inc., nous sommes extrêmement fiers de nos relations de longue date avec diverses associations de santé, chirurgicales et d'hospitalité, et au fil des années, nous avons été reconnus comme fournisseur privilégié dans ces trois industries. En savoir plus sur nos partenaires et associations précieux ci-dessous.

Our Hospitality Partners & Associations

The Unscented Company

The Unscented Company propose une large gamme de produits d'entretien ménager et corporel sans parfum, fondée sur deux principes fondamentaux. Leur premier principe remet en question la notion conventionnelle de propreté en proposant des produits naturellement non parfumés. Ils croient fermement qu'un nettoyage efficace peut être réalisé sans l'utilisation de fragrances, ce qui est bénéfique pour tous. Deuxièmement, leur emballage a été soigneusement conçu en tenant compte de la durabilité. Cela permet aux clients de remplir leurs bouteilles, réduisant ainsi considérablement nos déchets plastiques globaux. Vous pouvez découvrir leurs produits sur


L'Association de l'Hospitalité de Banff et Lake Louise (BLLHA) est une organisation hautement respectée et coopérative engagée à promouvoir la croissance et le succès des secteurs de l'hébergement et de la restauration dans les régions de Banff et de Lake Louise. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter leur site web à


La voix de l'industrie canadienne de l'hôtellerie et de l'hébergement

L'Association des hôtels du Canada (HAC) est à l'avant-garde de la défense de la croissance et de la prospérité de l'industrie canadienne de l'hôtellerie et de l'hébergement depuis plus d'un siècle. En tant que voix principale de l'industrie, le HAC a activement impliqué ses membres et a efficacement défendu leurs intérêts par le biais d'une défense stratégique, de la prestation de programmes et de services précieux. Avec une adhésion de plus de 8 226 hôtels, motels et complexes hôteliers, le HAC a joué un rôle significatif dans le soutien à un secteur florissant de l'hébergement canadien, d'une valeur de 19,2 milliards de dollars et employant plus de 304 000 personnes à travers le pays.

Le réseau diversifié de membres de la HAC comprend des entreprises hôtelières, des hôtels individuels et des complexes hôteliers, des associations régionales et internationales d'hébergement, des fournisseurs de l'industrie, des éducateurs et des étudiants. Pour en savoir plus, visitez

Resorts of Ontario

Fondée en 1942, Resorts of Ontario est une organisation à but non lucratif privée qui regroupe plus de 100 établissements membres, comprenant une variété de stations, de pourvoiries, de cottages et d'auberges champêtres. Les membres offrent une multitude d'options de vacances, allant du golf aux escapades romantiques, en passant par les aventures culinaires, les vacances en famille, les retraites spa et les expériences excitantes. Ces établissements sont stratégiquement situés à travers l'Ontario, de la région viticole de Niagara à la région de Muskoka, d'Haliburton à Algonquin, et au-delà.

Chaque station affiliée à Resorts of Ontario offre une expérience unique et mémorable qui saura laisser une impression durable. Les membres proposent une gamme diversifiée de tailles, de styles, de gammes de prix, d'équipements et de services pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de chaque vacancier. De plus, ils disposent d'une division distincte de fournisseurs privilégiés qui répondent aux besoins d'achat de l'industrie.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter notre site web à l'adresse


Depuis plus de 50 ans, les professionnels de l'industrie du plein air travaillent sans relâche pour créer un réseau de pourvoiries qui rehausserait la réputation de l'industrie et offrirait des produits et services personnalisés répondant aux besoins de leurs clients.

Aujourd'hui, la Fédération des Pourvoiries du Québec (FPQ) est une organisation à but non lucratif reconnue par le gouvernement, regroupant 375 pourvoyeurs passionnés dévoués à mettre en valeur les paysages sauvages de la province en tant que destination de vacances facilement accessible.

Ce vaste réseau a donné lieu à des offres touristiques des plus complètes au Québec, offrant des hébergements et services de premier ordre dans les domaines de la chasse, de la pêche, des escapades en famille et des activités de plein air. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter


L'Association des Hôtels du Manitoba (MHA), fondée en 1927, représente la majorité des hôtels de la province du Manitoba. Avec l'un des taux d'adhésion les plus élevés parmi les associations hôtelières en Amérique du Nord, elle est dédiée à répondre aux besoins et à promouvoir les intérêts de l'industrie hôtelière et d'hébergement au Manitoba en tant que corporation à but non lucratif.

L'objectif principal de la MHA est de fournir un soutien et une défense pour ses membres. Elle s'efforce d'être un leader reconnu dans la définition de l'orientation future, de la croissance et de l'excellence de l'industrie de l'hôtellerie, en mettant l'accent sur les valeurs de professionnalisme, de responsabilité, d'excellence du service, de respect, d'innovation, d'honnêteté, de diversité et de principes éthiques.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter


Fondée en 1919, l'Association des Hôtels de l'Alberta (AHLA) a été créée pour relever divers défis liés à la licence d'alcool, à la prohibition et au lobbying gouvernemental. Ses objectifs généraux comprenaient l'amélioration de la perception publique des hôteliers, la réduction de la concurrence en imposant des politiques normalisées pour la formation des employés, les heures de travail et la sécurité.

Aujourd'hui, l'AHLA représente plus de 800 membres, comprenant des hébergements à toit fixe et en terrain de camping, en plus de 250 membres associés. L'objectif central de l'association est de fournir un soutien inébranlable à ses membres tout en favorisant l'expansion de l'industrie du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie de l'Alberta. Grâce à une multitude de programmes, de services et d'initiatives de défense, l'AHLA s'efforce d'améliorer la prospérité économique et l'impact social de l'industrie. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter


L'Association des Hôtels et de l'Hospitalité de la Saskatchewan est dédiée à fournir une assistance complète et des ressources aux hôtels, aux bars et aux restaurants de l'industrie de l'hospitalité. En exploitant notre expertise et nos liens avec l'industrie, ils s'efforcent d'aider les entreprises à fonctionner efficacement et à atteindre le succès financier. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter


Fondée en 1983, Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador (HNL) est une organisation à but non lucratif qui regroupe des membres dédiés à la promotion de l'industrie touristique dans la province. En tant que voix de proue de ce secteur, HNL a joué un rôle clé en plaidant pour ses membres et en facilitant la croissance du tourisme en tant que moteur économique majeur de la région. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter

Days Inn

Days Inn est une célèbre franchise hôtelière qui a vu le jour aux États-Unis en 1970. Cecil B. Day était le visionnaire derrière la marque, et le premier hôtel a ouvert ses portes à Tybee Island, en Géorgie. Actuellement, Days Inn est sous la propriété de Wyndham Hotel Group, dont le siège est à Parsippany, dans le New Jersey. Auparavant, il faisait partie de Cendant. Clyde Guinn, le président de la société, s'engage à offrir la "meilleure valeur sous le soleil" à travers Days Inn. La chaîne a une présence mondiale, avec de nombreux hôtels situés à travers le monde. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez visiter


L'Association des Hôtels de la Ville de Québec est largement reconnue comme l'autorité principale dans le secteur de l'hôtellerie et du tourisme. Avec un dévouement à la promotion de la croissance et à l'appui de programmes qui favorisent le bien-être de ses membres et de l'industrie dans son ensemble, l'association est une force motrice dans le domaine. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez visiter

Our Healthcare Partners & Associations

Silver Group Purchasing

At SGP, we firmly believe that the most effective solution for our residents is the only solution that's worth our efforts. That's why we've collaborated with our partners to establish the SGP Purchasing Partner Network, a fully integrated ecosystem designed to help us all thrive. In this ecosystem, the success of each partner is dependent on and vital to the success of the others.

Our network is composed of clients, vendors, and SGP, all working together to become stronger and more agile. We draw on each other's knowledge and expertise, contributing our unique insights and skills to help each other grow and improve. We believe that this collaboration is the key to our mutual success.

If you'd like to learn more about the SGP Purchasing Partner Network, please visit us at


ARTA provides a range of services to its members that are geared towards promoting the use of reusable textiles. This is achieved through various channels, including educational conferences, seminars, marketing and sales resources, research initiatives, and building a comprehensive data library. By advocating for the importance and benefits of reusable textiles, ARTA seeks to encourage widespread adoption of these products.

Moreover, ARTA provides a platform that facilitates the exchange of information among all interested parties, with a particular focus on key economic and environmental issues that present opportunities for membership engagement. Through this platform, members can stay informed about relevant developments and trends in the industry, as well as connect with like-minded individuals.

Finally, ARTA represents the concerns and interests of its members to legislative and regulatory decision-makers. By doing so, it strives to ensure that the views and needs of its members are taken into account in the development of policies and regulations that impact the industry.

To learn more about ARTA and its services, visit


ABLASQ's primary objective is to unite laundry facility managers within the Quebec Social Affairs network to enhance their technical and administrative expertise. Through collaborative study, promotion, and development, ABLASQ endeavors to enrich the knowledge of its members. To learn more about ABLASQ and its initiatives, please visit


At the Ontario Long Term Care Association, we are committed to guaranteeing that the senior citizens of Ontario are provided with top-notch, secure, and reliable long-term care. Our aim is to establish a precedent of ingenuity and distinction within the industry, and we do so by exemplifying our leadership, analytical capabilities, advocacy, and member services. Throughout our legacy, we have always endeavored to enhance the delivery of care and services to the long-term care residents of Ontario by adopting a solution-oriented approach and staying abreast of their changing needs. To learn more, please visit our website at


In 1969, a group of proactive general managers established the Association of Cooperative Hospital Laundries (ACHL) with the primary goal of facilitating the education of healthcare textile managers. Their aim was to create a supportive environment that fosters the exchange of ideas and information among members, ultimately benefiting both individuals and the organizations they serve.

Over time, the ACHL has evolved into the International Association for Healthcare Textile Management (IAHTM) and has become the leading membership organization for healthcare textile management in the United States and Canada. With a membership of approximately 7,000 healthcare facilities, our organization has an impressive collective capacity to process over 700 million pounds of clean linen annually. This makes us the world's most extensive central laundry organization dedicated to healthcare. For further information, please visit our website at


The Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council (HLAC), an organization committed to promoting excellence in healthcare laundry standards. HLAC ensures that laundries meet the highest levels of quality, hygiene, and infection control, aligning with our dedication to providing safe and reliable textile solutions. For more information, visit their website at


TRSA (Textile Rental Services Association) is the leading trade association for the textile services industry, representing businesses that provide reusable textiles, uniforms, and facility services. TRSA supports its members by promoting best practices, sustainability, and innovation while advocating for high standards in cleanliness, safety, and environmental stewardship. Through education, certification programs, and industry advocacy, TRSA ensures that its members are equipped to deliver superior quality and service to their customers. For more information, visit their website at

The Clean Show

Established in 1977, The Clean Show was founded by six industry associations who united to create The World Educational Congress for Laundering & Drycleaning. Since then, The Clean Show has developed into the foremost platform for exploring every aspect of the commercial laundering, drycleaning, textile rental, and textile services industry. We cordially invite you to join us and delve into the cutting-edge trends, products, and innovations that are molding the future of this dynamic and exciting industry. For more information, please visit our website at


For over four decades, the Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA) has been at the forefront of delivering exceptional retirement living education to its members, setting a benchmark for operational distinction. ORCA represents more than 92 percent of retirement home suites in Ontario, boasting a membership exceeding 600 providers who cater to the accommodation and service requirements of over 55,000 seniors. Moreover, ORCA's membership also encompasses 240 commercial members who proffer valuable products and services to retirement communities all over the province. For further details, kindly visit our website at


Complete Purchasing Services is more than just a procurement company - we are a compassionate partner to your organization and the people it serves. Our goal is to help your organization flourish and expand.

We are dedicated to creating experiences that improve and enrich lives. We fulfill this mission by actively seeking out strategic purchasing solutions that enhance your organization's efficiency and effectiveness, while also providing simple yet innovative solutions to help managers with their daily responsibilities.

Our vast network includes over 400 manufacturers and suppliers, as well as more than 75 distributors, allowing us to find the perfect balance of pricing, quality, and service every time. Our network gives our clients access to top-notch nationally recognized brands and local favorites, as well as competitive and consistent pricing that delivers reliable results. Additionally, our long-standing relationships with industry associations keep us informed and up-to-date on the ever-changing needs of the markets we serve.

To learn more about how we can support your organization's growth, visit our website at


The objectives of ALLQ are as follows:

To represent the industry to governments and all private or public organizations.

To promote research and development by improving processes, products, production and marketing practices to meet the needs of the profession.

To promote and defend the interests of the profession.

To enable members to be informed and communicate with each other during activities organized by the association.

Check out for more information.


For over 50 years, the Alberta Seniors Communities & Housing Association (ASCHA) has been a leading advocate for senior housing owners and operators throughout Alberta. Our core focus is on providing essential services to our members while actively advocating for their interests. As a member-driven organization, we serve as a central hub for industry resources and best practices, empowering providers to enable seniors to age gracefully within their communities. To learn more about our organization and the services we offer, please visit our website at


The Alberta Managers' Society for Citizens' Housing (AMSSCH) is a dedicated organization that supports managers of senior citizens' housing facilities throughout Alberta. We are committed to providing our members with a wide range of benefits, including educational opportunities, networking opportunities, and ongoing updates on the latest developments in the industry.

Through our workshops, conferences, meetings, and events, we offer members and their staff the chance to develop new skills, exchange information, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in the field. Additionally, we provide regular newsletters and updates, as well as access to our association website, to ensure that our members always have the latest information at their fingertips.

At AMSSCH, we understand the importance of networking and collaboration in the seniors housing industry. That's why we encourage our members to connect with their peers and share their experiences, expertise, and resources. By building strong relationships and fostering a sense of community, we can all work together to improve the quality of life for seniors in Alberta.

We also work hard to raise awareness of ongoing challenges and achievements in the seniors housing industry. Through our communication and partnerships with other essential stakeholders in the field, including senior service providers and various organizations and provincial ministries in Alberta, we are able to advocate for the needs and concerns of our members and the seniors they serve.

If you are interested in learning more about AMSSCH and the benefits of membership, we invite you to visit our website at We look forward to connecting with you and supporting your success in the seniors housing industry.


The British Columbia Seniors Living Association (BCSLA) is a voluntary, membership-based organization dedicated to advocating for and protecting the interests of its members. The members of this association are composed of proprietors and administrators of both Independent and Assisted Living communities situated in British Columbia. If you want to gain further insights about BCSLA, please visit their official website at


The LTCAM (Long-Term & Continuing Care Association of Manitoba) is a dedicated association focused on promoting and supporting the long-term and continuing care sector in Manitoba, Canada. With a mission to enhance the quality of care and services for individuals in need, LTCAM brings together professionals, organizations, and stakeholders from the industry. Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, LTCAM strives to address challenges, share best practices, and drive positive change in the long-term and continuing care field. With their commitment to excellence and their comprehensive resources, LTCAM plays a vital role in advancing the well-being and care of individuals in Manitoba. Visit their website at for more information.


The ALM Association for Linen Management is a leading professional organization dedicated to promoting excellence in the management of linen and textile services. With a strong focus on the healthcare industry, the association brings together professionals, experts, and industry leaders to share knowledge, best practices, and innovative solutions. Through conferences, educational programs, and networking opportunities, LM Association fosters collaboration and continuous improvement in linen management practices. As an advocate for quality and efficiency, LM Association plays a vital role in advancing the standards and practices of linen management, ultimately contributing to enhanced patient care and operational excellence. For more information, visit their website at